Our services

Our clinical team is made up of caring and experienced consultant psychiatrists, psychologists, therapists and occupational therapists. They are passionate about providing personalised, effective assessment and therapies suited to each individual's unique needs. 

Comprehensive Healthcare Solutions

MOAI Health offers a wide range of clinical services designed to meet the diverse needs of our patients. From mental health assessments to chronic care management, our expert team provides personalized care to support your well-being.

Our Services

  • Mental Health Assessments: Thorough evaluations and personalised treatment plans for various mental health conditions.
  • Chronic Care Management: Streamlined management of chronic conditions to improve health outcomes and quality of life.
  • Online Consultations: Convenient and effective virtual consultations with healthcare providers.
  • Care Coordination: Enhanced collaboration among healthcare teams to deliver integrated and patient-centered care.

Conditions We Provide Care For

At MOAI Health, we specialise in providing care for a range of conditions, including:

  • Anxiety: Comprehensive assessment and personalised treatment plans to manage anxiety disorders effectively including generalised anxiety, panic disorder, OCD and phobias.
  • Depression & Low Mood: Thorough evaluations and evidence-based treatments to address depression and low mood.
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): Expert evaluation and tailored treatment plans for children and adults with ADHD.
  • Autism: Multidisciplinary assessments and supportive interventions for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Why Choose MOAI Health?

  • Expert Team: Our team consists of experienced clinicians with specialised training in various areas of healthcare.
  • Personalised Care: We prioritise individualised care, tailoring our services to meet the unique needs of each patient.
  • Innovative Solutions: We leverage advanced technology to deliver innovative and efficient healthcare solutions.

What to expect from a consultation

Below is an example of a pathway to accessing our mental health services and what you might experience if you don't feel well. It is no different from a physical health illness and should be treated by professionals with the same significance.

Notice - You or a partner or family member have concerns or worries about how you are feeling.

Tell us - You or they can make an enquiry regarding accessing support following which our referrals team will review your information and needs and contact you to book an appropriate initial assessment

Appointment - An initial assessment will be booked with one of the clinical team (online or in person).

Listen and formulation - During this assessment the mental health professional will ask questions and listen to try and establish an understanding of the difficulties you are facing to inform a treatment plan. Treatment can be a range of approaches such as psychotherapy, sometimes medication or lifestyle advice

Correspondence - A letter will be written summarising the initial assessment, clinical impression and agreed treatment plan. This can be shared with your GP depending on your wish

Follow Up - A follow up review may be arranged depending on your need or you may be referred to a different member of the team for ongoing work. For example a psychiatrist may ask one of the psychologists to offer a course of therapy to you.

Adults and children

We have specialised child and adolescent psychiatrists and psychologists. This team review children and adolescents from age 5-18 years. Our adult clinical team manages working age adults from 18-65 years of age.