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MOAI @ the science museum

The MOAI Team

One of MOAI’s core tenets is public engagement. For so long, particularly in the field of mental health clinicians and those with lived experience of mental health disorders have been on completely different wavelengths. We believe patient engagement goes beyond the consultation; it's about creating a powerful partnership that fosters understanding, empathy, and ultimately, better outcomes.

As part of our outreach programme MOAI’s clinical team spent the evening with attendees of Science Museum Lates talking through our holistic data-driven approach to mental health. Members of the public got a chance to balance risk factors, see our new prototype platform,  sign up as beta-testers and enrol as patient experts.

Want to get involved?

  1. We are looking for people with lived experience of mental health issues to join our panel of expert patients. Please take a quick look at our outreach programme if you are interested!
  2. Sign up to our newsletter here.

At MOAI our goal is to bridge the gap between clinicians and those with lived mental health experiences. Beyond consultations, we believe in a partnership for better outcomes. At Science Museum Lates, our clinical team interacted with attendees, sharing our holistic, data-driven mental health approach. People had the chance to balance risk factors, explore our new prototype platform, and join as beta-testers and patient experts. Interested in joining our expert patient panel? Check out our outreach program and sign up for our newsletter! #MOAI #MentalHealthEngagement #ExpertPatients

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Our clinical team are here to help

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Our clinical team are here to help

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